November 1, 2010

SAFF 2010

I did a day trip to SAFF this year with a another new knitting friend, Amy.  (Aside:  I'm so happy to be friends with her.  She's my age!  She lives nearby!  We have the same interests!)

Being a SAFF veteran I gave her a little advice:
  1. Have a list of yarns your interested in (weight and yardage) for projects.
  2. Avoid having a specific color picked out for aforementioned projects.
  3. The first round is for seeing what's available.  The second round is for purchasing.
  4. You must buy soap at the Soapshed.
  5. You must buy goats milk fudge. 
...which I promptly ignored and instead I did the following:
  1. Had no list of yarns, instead picked out vendors I wanted to purchase from specifically.  Miss Babs, The Knit Witch, Kitchen Sink Dyeworks, and the best goat's milk fudge in the world.
  2. Had no list of weights or yardage, but specific colors picked out.  Aqua, yellow, and orange.
  3. Bought several things on my first round, such as the honey sticks I bought within 20 feet of the door.
  4. I did not buy soap, but smelled every bar again.
  5. Fudge was my second purchase.
But enough about that you wanted to see the loot.

Yes, that is all of it. Two skeins for Kauni EG, one skein KSD sock yarn , two small skeins of Miss Babs and not early enough KnitWitch sock yarn in the pile (very bottom).  Well all of the  fibery purchases, I also bought 4 flavors of honey sticks, two tiny cookie cutters (a heart and a star) and the fudge, which I managed not to eat until I got home and shared it with Mr. TURBO thankyouverymuch.

We also visited animals.  It was so funny to see Amy interact with all the animals.  Normally I go with my BFF and college roomie Leslie, who was an ag major like me, but she just had a baby in September and wasn't ready for any travel yet.  So this time my traveling buddy was a little less Dr. DoLittle and a little more City Slicker.  There was very little touching of the animals until this awesome sheep, who loved her chin scritched.

Why am I sideways? 

"Friendly" alpaca; These guys were the only ones not hiding in their stalls.

Baby alpaca
So pretty, but I am a llama and therefore pissed off all the time.

More sheep.


Amy said...

I had a blast with you! I really did. I loved all of it.

In my defense... (about the animals) I had never seen a sheep, alpaca, or llama up close. Actually, I'm pretty sure the only animals I've seen up close are your garden variety pets (cats dogs iguanas gerbils etc) and basic farm animals (horses, chickens, turkeys, cows, etc). Which I know kind of makes me lame in the Ag side of things.

HOWEVER, I did like the yarn. Next year, more money. We are just going to have the KnitWitch and Miss Babs load up thier stock in our vehicle. Done.

turtlegirl76 said...

I wish I could have made it this year! I feel like I missed out on so much!