July 30, 2008

Gannon's Mitts

The Hubby and all his friends play WoW until the wee hours of cough*every*cough evening. Being the antisocial vampiric gamers they are, wives often shove the computer desk into some cold, dark hole within the house. (Don't worry about me. My computers are in bright sunny spots.*) Or if you are single, it means that you are living off meager wages and while the computer is on the kitchen table in the center of the household where it is the warmest and closest to food, but you probably can't afford to turn on the heat or a/c.

This late night gaming=cold theorem was discovered this past winter by the Hubby and his friends. It turns out the Weasley Sweater had such a warm reception from the Hubby, because he was thisside of getting frost bite. When I mentioned to his gaming friends how much (dare I utter it?) happier gaming had become when he was warm, it spurred much chat about how to stay warm and game. The obviously most exposed part of the body are the hands. Gloves would be welcome if they weren't so damn cumbersome. You can not really afford to equip your smithing hammer instead of your lightening +25,000 ex sword when in the heat of battle. It would be disastrous to cntrl prompt "f" instead of "d" on your finishing move. Come on pwn. You'd be laughed right off the server!

That's when it hit me. I might abhor WoW with all of my being, but I would be the Sun in many a [gaming] man's universe if I produced some fingerless mitts. What more could a Wife of Wow want? So, I tried to tempt the Hubby with a pair of fingerless gaming gloves, because after all the Weasley Sweater was a big hit. But the glove front was hit with a resounding Hubby denial. The knitter in me just couldn't take it. How could a pair of cold hands not want a pair of warm gloves?

I went back to my Geek Backup, also known as our friend and M's co-worker, Gannon. Gannon is a practical guy. Gaming gloves were gloves with a purpose and that struck a cord with him. (Not to mention he was already gaming on cold nights with towels draped over his hands.) And I am, if nothing else, always ready to bask in the glow of a well-received gift, thus determining I would knit him a pair.

I informed him that I had some self-striping yarn I could knit it up in and we would just over dye it black if he didn't like it or if it just looked stupid. It did look stupid; Some of the fingers change colors....so fugly, but he got a huge kick out of the color disaster especially that left hand. Also, I mentioned he's a practical guy. They may not be pretty but they'll do the job and they fit perfect. "I'm never gonna take these off!" He exclaimed to me at one point. If that's not making your little knitterly heart tremble, he later told me, "Remind me to get you something really nice for Christmas."

Ladies, he's single.

(And just to show that Gannon's a great sport and I'm not really supporting the tobacco industry...)

*You noticed that said computers-pural? Yes, we have more computers than people in this household. Also, why do I have two computers and he only has one when he is the professional computer technician? Long story story short, the hubby requires the best of the best and I am pretty much okay with any computer, so I get his leftovers...and work gave him a new laptop, so I have procured the old one for myself. He'll never miss it...


Anonymous said...

Those are GREAT! I love the funky color changes too. Your friend looks so...cosmopolitan!

Virtuous said...

Gurl the gloves look great! I like the mismatch look too so he can be ruff and gruff while he is gamin' :oD Don't want to look too matchy matchy in front of the guys!
But I betcha all of his friends will be asking you to knit them up some now too!! Haha! :o) Get ready!!!