May 12, 2006


Today we had both babies at work. Little Dawson, who is only three months old and loves to grunt and Zane, who 9 months and almost walking on his own. It makes me crave babies and not want them all at once. A "Yay" and "Nay" if you will. Babies are great, but they require sooooo much stuff. Yes, that's the techinical word for time, money, food and attention. Babies are the reason for second incomes. Some people blog about their pregnancies.

I just buy stuff for my non-existant child. Like the VeggieTales book and plush toy offer that came on the back on my reciept at the grocery store. I so ordered it. Scholastic book club type thingy. I have to cancel my membership once I get the first book, and I keep my three books and toy for FREE! (but knowing me I'll want all the VeggieTales books they send me and I'll prolly keep it.)

As a side note, I have decided on the one female name and one male name, Aubrey and Owen. No, I am not pregnant, nor does M get a say in what we are naming our children....right.....

1 comment:

wendy said...

good luck with that thought...