We discussed what color, how long, what texture, how soft, etc., etc., etc. until he picked out this gorgeous shade of red in a merino/silk blend. The man has taste. I'm glad that I have already laid claims on him as surrogate husband in case of my actual husband's unexpected demise. (Which if he doesn't stop turning on my reading lamp every time it's his shift with the baby might be sooner than expected.)

The pattern he picked out came out of a Japanese stitchionary, so that was a little fun to interpret, but after two feet I had the pattern memorized. There were a few little errors in the chart, but they were easy to correct. First, the chart did not have a the purled stitches to either side of the center slip stitch that was shown in the photo graph. It was easy enough to add those.
The second error was a little more confusing. The pattern completely omitted a demarcation of where the pattern restarted. Knit rows 1 through 44 and restart back at row 1 got you a wonky little fish looking pattern instead of the clear xoxoxox as seen in the photos. I screwed that one up on the first repeat, but when I asked my husband (the recipient of many handknitted items by moi) to find the mistake, it took a few minutes of scrutiny and I decided it was not worth ripping out several inches of knitting. I was a fearless knitter. Fearless.
And it was worth it.
I think the scarf came out just lovely! You should be proud of yourself for not giving up after the first few times taking it apart and redoing it.
Oh it turned out so gorgeous!!
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