March 6, 2006

Stashes Gone Wild

I may have gone a little wild with my Birthday monies...And by a little I mean I spent $80.00 and have no intention on stopping. (Helloooo, HP4 comes out on DVD tomorrow!) Let me direct you to the couch o' knitting supplies.

1. Black microspun yarn (an oh so soft yarn) for making a scarf for a soft-scarf-needing-person-who-may-be-reading-this. I'm knitting it in a saxon braid pattern which is nice and manly.

2. Fun fur yarns in Confetti and Citrus for purse toppers for two little girls I know. They are mainly a way for me to make quick, simple projects that I would have absolutely no use for and the girls will love them! Double Bonus!

3. A dowel rod cut into 1 foot lengths. This is my cheap attempt at making size eleven double pointed needles (see bottom of the page) that I will only use once. Unfortunately, I left my sand paper at my parents house, so the kitty pi these needles are intented for will have to be put off for a little longer.

4. Size 7 bamboo needle by Clover and point protectors for fun. I have never knitted with bamboo, yet I hear it's all the rage, and I somehow did not manage to inherit ANY size seven needles, only 5 pairs each of 1's AND 2's . Additionally, I did not own any point protectors. Yes, there are other ways of keeping stitches from falling off your needle, but coming from the gizmo owning family that I come from this is not a strange purchase. Plus, they cost like two dollars....

5. Completely pointless $11.00 purchase, simply because I liked the way the sample looked. A girl from Georgia can never have too many scarves....

6. The three frames I got for half price that match the set Matt and I got for our wedding. The only set that was not hideous. Two 8x10's and a 5x7 for less than $25.00 (Not pictured.)

7. FINALLY, I got a Weasley Sweater. I went direct to the source. The Husband says he will wear this to the fifth movie viewing if I make it. I will of course be wearing the traditional school robes. This makes me very happy. (Not pictured.)


8. The previously mentioned HP 4 DVD. Special edition if my Wal-Mart carries it.

9. The El Cheapo Yarn to make the body of the little girl purses. The "pink" fringe will have a purple body and the "blue" fringe will have a yellow body. I have decided the body will be crocheted rather than knitted, simply because I like the texture better.

10. An hour long massage this friday.

I know, I know, Woe is me. I hope everyone else has just as fantastic a birthday as I have (or am continuing to have.)

P.S. I have out grown my decorative container for yarn. This makes me sad, as it is a lovely stash bin. I do not want to progress to the plastic drawer level of stash just yet.

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